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Are your services paid for by OHIP?

Unforunately not. However, under many private health insurance plans there is coverage for chiropractic, orthtotics, orthopaedic shoes, etc. If you are unsure of what is covered by your insurance plan just call our clinic at 905-456-7444 and we would be happy to answer all your questions.

Will my health insurance from work cover your services?

Yes, for the majority of health plans there is coverage for our services. Call us at 905-456-7444 and a staff member at Brampton Union Ergonomics clinic would be happy to assist you in finding out the exact details of your insurance plan.

Do I need a prescription before I can come in?

No. You can see any one of our health professional for assessment or treatment without a medical doctor's prescription. A prescription is only needed under some insurance plans for reimbursement of medical equipement/items.

Is the spinal traction therapy really only $20?

Yes it is! There is no hidden fees or strings attached. At Brampton Union Ergonomics we strive to make treatment affordable to all patients. So yes, each spinal traction session is $20.

My feet and back hurt. How can you help me?

We have helped thousands of workers with smilar complaints. Spinal traction therapy and chiropractic care work best for dealing with low back pain. Custom made foot orthotics are most helpful with foot pain. However, we have many other options available such as rehabiliation exercises, compression socks, support braces, and even portable TENS machines. After an assessment with our chiropractor or podiatrist you will have a better idea of the cause of your pain and what we can do to help.

Do my children need to come in too?

If your child ever complains about foot, knee or back pain have they should be assessed. Children grow quickly so any issue you may notice with their posture or walk is best addressed early and can be corrected quicker while they are still young.

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Brampton Union Ergonomics Clinic