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Spinal traction therapy

HomeSpinal traction therapy

Our doctors who perform this treatment are registered chiropractors.
Only $20 for each traction session.

After the common cold; low back pain is the most common human ailment. An estimated 75 to 85 percent of all adults will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime.

Most certainly low back pain can be quite debilitating and painful. Good news is that most cases respond well with non-surgical treatments such as spinal decompression traction. However, it has

been estimated that 50 percent of all patients who suffer from an episode of low back pain will have a recurrent episode within one year.

The costs associated with diagnostic procedures alone are estimated at $50 billion yearly. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. In fact, back pain is the second most

common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. The personal costs are immeasurable from chronic pain alone, pain sometimes so great that it interferes with a healthy and satisfying lifestyle.

Also, it is recognized that most cases of low back pain are mechanical in nature, and the pain is usually not caused by very serious conditions, such as cancer, fracture, infection, etc.

There are several possible sources of low back pain:

  1. Bulging or herniated disc
  2. Injury or overuse of muscles, ligaments, facet joints, and the sacroiliac joints
  3. Muscle spasm (very tense muscles that remain contracted)
  4. Degeneration of the discs
  5. Poor alignment or fixations of the vertebrae
  6. Spondylolisthesis
  7. Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)
  8. Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal)
  9. Small fractures to the spine from osteoporosis
  10. Strain or tears to the muscles or ligaments supporting the back
  11. Spinal curvatures (like scoliosis or kyphosis)

Mechanical/Physiological Effects of Traction TherapyDecompression

  • Relieve pressure on nerves
  • Unload spine
  • Decrease disc bulging
  • Separate vertebrae


  • Stretch the ligaments and tendons
  • Stress the capsule, facet joints and intravertebral discs
  • Migration of nucleus pulposus

Anti-inflammatory response

  • Decrease muscle tone
  • Decrease inflammation

Circulation Improvement

  • Blood flow to tissues
  • Venous flow away from tissues
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